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Viburnum grandiflorum - Wall

Viburnum grandiflorum - Wall
local name : Grand Viburnum / Cranberry bush / Amoch / Ghaz mewa /اموچ / غز میوہ
Family: Adoxaceae

Grand Viburnum appears to refer to the plant species Viburnum grandiflorum, also known as Himalayan Viburnum or Himalayan Snowball Viburnum. It is a deciduous shrub native to the Himalayan region, including areas from Kashmir to southeastern Tibet, and typically grows at altitudes of 2700 to 3600 meters.

Here are the key characteristics of Viburnum grandiflorum:

1. Appearance: Viburnum grandiflorum is a large shrub that can reach up to 3 meters in height or sometimes even a small gnarled tree. The branches are bare when the dense, nearly stalkless clusters of pink, fragrant flowers appear, before the leaves emerge.

2. Flowers: The flower clusters are relatively large, measuring about 3-4 cm across. The individual flowers have a slender tube, up to 1.3 cm long, with spreading, elliptic lobes that are around 3-4 mm in size.

3. Leaves: The leaves of Viburnum grandiflorum are elliptic and approximately 8-10 cm or more in length. They have toothed margins and are hairy on the veins on the lower surface.

4. Fruit: The fruit of the Grand Viburnum is ellipsoid, initially red but turning black when ripe. The fruits can be up to 2 cm in size and are edible.

5. Habitat: This species is typically found in the Himalayan region, growing at higher elevations between 2700 to 3600 meters.

6. Flowering Season: The Grand Viburnum blooms in April to May, producing its beautiful and fragrant flowers.

It's essential to note that plant names may vary regionally, and sometimes common names might be used differently in various locations. The botanical name, Viburnum grandiflorum, helps provide a standardized reference for this particular plant species.

Viburnum grandiflorum is valued for its ornamental qualities due to its attractive flowers and edible fruits. However, it's crucial to ensure that the specific plant being referred to matches the described characteristics, as different species of Viburnum can also be found in the same region.

Viburnum grandiflorum - Wall ایک جھاڑی ہے جس کی نشاندہی اس کے گھنے ، نسبتا large بڑے گلابی خوشبودار پھولوں کے تقریبا st مستحکم جھرمٹ سے ہوتی ہے ، جو پتیوں سے پہلے ننگی شاخوں پر ظاہر ہوتے ہیں۔ پھولوں کے گچھے بھر میں 3-4 سینٹی میٹر ، پھول ٹیوب پتلی ، لمبا 1،3 سینٹی میٹر لمبے ، 3-3 ملی میٹر تک پھیلتے ، بیضوی ہوتے ہیں۔ پتے بیضوی ہوتے ہیں ، 8-10 سینٹی میٹر یا اس سے زیادہ ، دانت دار ، نیچے رگوں پر بالوں والے۔ پھل بیضوی ہوتا ہے ، سرخ رنگ کا سیاہ ، 2 سینٹی میٹر تک ، خوردنی ہوتا ہے۔ یہ 3 میٹر لمبا ، یا چھوٹا سا درخت والا ایک بڑا جھاڑی ہے۔ گرینڈ وبرنم ہمالیہ میں ، کشمیر سے ایس ای تبت تک 2700-3600 میٹر کی اونچائی پر پائی جاتی ہے۔ پھول: اپریل مئی۔


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