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Tribulus terrestris

Tribulus terrestris

Habit ____Herb
Common names
English...Puncture vine
Urdu.......Bhakda بھکڑا / گھوکھرو خورد
Pashto...Markundai / Markundi  .مارکنڈئ
Malayalam: ഞെരിഞ്ഞി
Tribulus terrestris, commonly known as puncturevine or bindii, is a plant species in the Zygophyllaceae family. It is a small, annual herb that is native to regions with a warm and tropical climate, including parts of Africa, Asia, Europe, and Australia. Puncturevine is known for its small, spiny fruits, which can be quite painful if stepped on, leading to the name "puncturevine."

Here are some key characteristics and features of Tribulus terrestris:

1. Appearance: Puncturevine is a low-growing, prostrate herb that forms sprawling mats on the ground. The stems are slender and radiate from a central point, creating a star-like appearance.

2. Leaves: The leaves of Tribulus terrestris are small and arranged oppositely along the stems. They are divided into several leaflets, and each leaflet has a pinnate shape with spiny tips.

3. Flowers: The plant produces small, bright yellow flowers with five petals. The flowers are solitary and have a typical star-like appearance. They are pollinated by insects and give rise to the characteristic spiny fruits.

4. Fruits: The most distinctive feature of Tribulus terrestris is its fruit, which is a small, hard, woody nutlet covered in sharp spines. The spines are sharp enough to puncture tires or cause discomfort when stepped on, which is how the plant got its common name "puncturevine."

5. Medicinal and Supplement Use: Tribulus terrestris has been used in traditional medicine in various cultures for different purposes, including for its potential aphrodisiac and libido-enhancing effects. Some dietary supplements claim to contain extracts from this plant to support athletic performance, although scientific evidence for these claims is limited.

6. Invasive Nature: In some regions, Tribulus terrestris is considered an invasive weed, especially in areas with disturbed or sandy soils. It can quickly colonize and outcompete native vegetation.

Due to its invasive nature and potential ecological impact, puncturevine is considered a noxious weed in certain parts of the world. It is essential to control its spread and prevent its introduction into sensitive ecosystems.

As with any medicinal or supplement use, it's crucial to consult with a healthcare professional before using products containing Tribulus terrestris, as its safety and efficacy may vary based on individual health conditions and interactions with other medications.



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